Once approved as a brand, you can freely submit products for approval through your Brand Dashboard.
Within the dashboard home page, navigate to the "Product and Samples" page. At the top, click the tab that says "Add Product."
This will take you to the product creation page. Here, you can name your product, categorize your product, describe your product, and then provide further details like pack size and pricing.
The title of your product should be the name of the product, and also include pack size if applicable. Some choose to include their company name, but it is listed above the product title on our site as well so it's not required. See examples of both below:
If you plan to sell multiple pack sizes, make sure your product title does not have the specific pack size in the title as the customer will select this when they click into the product (more on that below). Instead, you can put the title with the word "(Pack)" after it. This will signify that they can select different pack size options before purchasing. See below:
The next section is category, be sure to categorize your product correctly and in the place that makes the most sense for the customer to find it. This is crucial for the Bubble Goods team to properly merchandise your product.
Product Description should follow the format below. This will be pre-filled in when you go to add a product. Erase the prefilled text, keeping the capitalized headers, and insert all of your products applicable details:
Short conversational description about the product!
How to prepare. Microwave for 30 seconds and ready to serve!
Choice of single unit or 4-pack. Each pack contains 1 serving (10oz)
if applicable - made in a factory with nuts, wheat, etc
After this, you will be adding ingredients, pricing, pack size, and other details as below.
Click save after this is complete and navigate to the Sample Shipment tab - here you can put the tracking number in to send your product to the Bubble Goods team. All products are required to be taste tested by our team before they can go live on Bubble Goods. You should send out your product at this stage and enter the tracking within the tab so our team is notified. Read more about that here.
Next, you'll want to navigate to the images page and submit the necessary photos for the product. Read more about that here.
The last two things to consider when adding a product are Tags and adding additional Pack Sizes for sale.
Within tags, you can mark off mutliple options/categories that fit with your product. This will help your product accurately appear in collections that it belongs in.
Within pack sizes, you can add additional pack sizes to your product listings. For example, if you want to sell a 4-pack or 6-pack in addition to the pack you're listing.
After this process is complete, Bubble Goods will receive, review, and taste test your product. If approved, you will be notified via email. At this point, you update your inventory (Basic plan) or link it to your Shopify account (Connect plan) and click "Go Live"
Voila! Your product is live and ready to be purchased by customers.
Other Tips:
Basic Brands can easily duplicate product listings to make it even easier to list similar products or new flavors of existing products.
To do so, click the "product and samples" tab on the brand dashboard. Next to the product you want to duplicate, you will see the below tabs.
Click "duplicate" to duplicate the listing and create a new with the existing product's information. Please note it is required that Bubble Goods reviews all new products on the platform. Even if you use this feature or are just adding a new flavor of an existing product, a sample of the new product will need to be submitted. Again, this duplication feature is only for Basic brands.
Connect brands can save time by importing Shopify product information directly from their Shopify store. To do so, follow all the steps above to start creating a product.
Once you get to the screen to begin entering your product description and details you will see the below:
You can click "import shopify product info." This will populate the below screen where you can select the product from your store that you want to import information for:
As stated on the screenshot above, this will import key information; however you will still need to confirm and edit items to ensure it's in the required Bubble Goods format. Again, this feature is only available for Connect Brands.
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