When you sign up, you can select between two different plans that sync best with your existing fulfillment operations.
Basic Plan (35% commission) -
Within this plan, order fulfillment and your inventory are managed directly through the Bubble Goods dashboard. You will be emailed when an order is received, and would log in to your dashboard to print the shipping label and mark the order as shipped. Within the dashboard, you would also need to ensure your inventory numbers are accurate and up to date.
As mentioned, shipping labels are generated within the Bubble Goods dashboard for you to print and ship. Bubble Goods pays for shipping on the Basic Plan.
Connect Plan (25% commission)-
Orders are routed directly into your Shopify store for fulfillment. Very little engagement with the Bubble Goods dashboard is needed on this plan. When an order is received, it will be sent automatically from Bubble Goods to your Shopify store. Once shipped, we will send the customer the shipment information. You (the seller) would be responsible for the shipping cost on the Connect Plan.
As seen above, Commission is lower within the Connect Plan. This is because the seller is responsible for the shipping cost through this plan.
More information on the plans can be found at sell.bubblegoods.com
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